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[英文]Panic! At The Disco【 A Fever You Can't Sweat Out】 關閉[複製鏈接]

moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:06 PM|只看該作者|倒序瀏覽
本帖最後由 moonsea623 於 2009-1-31 10:44 PM 編輯

Released: September 27, 2005
Recorded: SOMD! Studios
                College Park, Maryland
                Dang! Studios
                Lewisville, Texas
Genre: Alternative rock, dance-punk, pop rock, electronica
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moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:12 PM|只看該作者
本帖最後由 moonsea623 於 2009-1-31 10:14 PM 編輯

The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage

Sit tight, I'm gonna need you to keep time
C'mon, just snap, snap, snap your fingers for me
Good, good, now we're making some progress
Come on just tap, tap, tap your toes to the beat

And I believe
This may call for a proper introduction, and well
Don't you see?
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moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:13 PM|只看該作者
London Beckoned Songs About Money Written by Machines

Stop stalling, make a name for yourself
Boy, you better put that pen to paper and charm your way out
If you talk, you better walk
You better back your shit up
With more than good hooks
While you're all under the gun
Start talking "a sensationalist"
Oh, he's slightly clever to just a certain extent
If you talk, you better walk
You better keep your mouth shut
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moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:15 PM|只看該作者
Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks

Watch your mouth
Your speech is slurred enough
That you just might swallow your tongue
You'd want to give up the ghost
With just a little more poise than that

Or was it God who chokes in these situations?
Or was it God who chokes in these situations?
Running late?
No no, he called in, he called in.

The hospice is
A relaxing weekend getaway
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moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:17 PM|只看該作者

The I.V. and your hospital bed
This was no accident
This was a therapeutic chain of events

This is the scent of your skin on a linoleum floor
This is the scent of quarantine wings in a hospital
It's not so pleasant
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal

The anaesthetic never set in and I'm wondering where
The apathy and urgency is that I thought I phoned in
It's not so pleasant
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal

Sit back, just sit back
Sit back and relax
Sit back, just sit back
Sit back and relapse again

Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Sit back, relax
Sit back, relapse again
(Ba ba ba da-o)
Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Just sit back, just sit back

You're a regular decorated emergency
You're a regular decorated emergency

This is the scent of your skin on a linoleum floor
This is the scent of quarantine wings in a hospital
It's not so pleasant
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal

The anaesthetic never set in and I'm wondering where
The apathy and urgency is that I thought I phoned in
It's not so pleasant
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal

Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Sit back, relax
Sit back, relapse again
(Ba ba ba da-o)
Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Just sit back, just sit back

Sit back, sit back
Relax, relapse
Sit back, sit back,
Ba ba ba da-o
You can take out of the fight

You're a regular decorated emergency
The bruises and contusions will remind you what you did when you wake
You've earned a place atop the ICU's hall of fame
The camera caught you causing a commotion on the gurney again

You're a regular decorated emergency
The bruises and contusions will remind you what you did when you wake
You've earned a place atop the ICU's hall of fame
The camera caught you causing a commotion on the gurney again

Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Sit back, relax
Sit back, relapse again
(Ba ba ba da-o)
Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Just sit back, just sit back

Sit back, sit back
Relax, relapse
Sit back, sit back,
Ba ba ba da-o
You can take out of the fight

The I.V. and your hospital bed
This was no accident
This was a therapeutic chain of events
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moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:19 PM|只看該作者
若有安裝色情守門員,可用無界、自由門等軟件瀏覽伊莉。或使用以下網址瀏覽伊莉: http://www.eyny.com:81/index.php
Time to Dance

Well, she’s not bleeding on the ballroom floor
Just for the attention.
Cause that’s just ridiculous . . . ly on
But she sure is going to get it
(The attention and the bullets)
Here’s the setting
Fashion magazines line the walls
The walls line the bullet holes
You sure, you sure you let her have it?
You sure, you sure you

Have some composure
Where is your posture?
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moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:20 PM|只看該作者
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Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off

Well, is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Well, then think of what you did
And how I hope to God he was worth it
When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch your skin

I've got more wit
A better kiss
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moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:28 PM|只看該作者

(dance music)

"Ladies and gentlemen, due to circumstances beyond our control, we are unable to continue our broadcast of dance music. We shall continue now with our piano instrumental."



moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:29 PM|只看該作者
But It's Better If You Do

Now I'm of consenting age to be forgetting you in a cabaret
Somewhere downtown where a burlesque queen may even ask my name
As she sheds her skin on stage
I'm seated and sweating to a dance song on the club's P.A.
The strip joint veteran sits two away
Smirking between dignified sips of his dignified peach and lime daiquiri

And isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
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moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:33 PM|只看該作者
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I Write Sins Not Tragedies

Oh, well imagine
As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor
And I can't help but to hear
No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words

"What a beautiful wedding
What a beautiful wedding," says a bridesmaid to a waiter
"And, yes, but what a shame
What a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore."

I chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?"
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moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:34 PM|只看該作者
若瀏覽伊莉的時侯發生問題或不正常情況,請使用Internet Explorer(I.E)。
I Constantly Thank God for Esteban

Give us this day our daily dose of faux affliction
Forgive our sins forged at the pulpit
With forked tongues selling faux sermons
Because I am a new wave gospel sharp
And you'll be thy witness
So gentlemen, if you're gonna preach
For God sakes preach with conviction

Strike up the band
Oh, the conductor is beckoning
Come, congregation, and let's sing it like you mean it
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moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:35 PM|只看該作者
若有安裝色情守門員,可用無界、自由門等軟件瀏覽伊莉。或使用以下網址瀏覽伊莉: http://www.eyny.com:81/index.php
There's a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of It Yet

Please leave all overcoats, canes, and top hats with the doorman
From that moment, you'll be out of place and underdressed
I'm wrecking this evening already and loving every minute of it
Ruining this banquet for the mildly inspiring and

Please leave all overcoats, canes, and top hats with the doorman
From that moment, you'll be out of place and underdressed
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moonsea623 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-31 10:36 PM|只看該作者
Build God, Then We'll Talk

It's these substandard motels on the (lalalala) corner of 4th and Fremont Street
Appealing only 'cause they're just that un-appealing
Any practiced catholic would cross themselves upon entering
The rooms have a hint of asbestos and maybe just a dash of formaldehyde
And the habit of decomposing right before your very (lalalala) eyes.

Along with the people inside
What a wonderful caricature of intimacy
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