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【配樂】富貴浮雲 - 浮生千山路 - 潘越雲(1P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】富貴浮雲 - 浮生千山路 - 潘越雲(1P)attach_imggckhai2017-7-1452881fantasyfort2017-7-15 10:47 PM
【配樂】虛擬偶像 ( Simone ) - (You Make Me Feel Like A) Natural Woman - Mary J. Blige(2P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】虛擬偶像 ( Simone ) - (You Make Me Feel Like A) Natural Woman - Mary J. Blige(2P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-7-1512478kases98521472017-7-15 02:34 PM
【配樂】{ Z.O.E. Dolores,i } & { Zone of the Enders: 2167 Idolo } - Hiai Naru To(3P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】{ Z.O.E. Dolores,i } & { Zone of the Enders: 2167 Idolo } - Hiai Naru To(3P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-7-1402571forestdan2017-7-14 10:23 PM
【配樂】Hellsing (OVA) - { Magnolia } + { Shinto Shite } -  SUILEN(睡蓮 )(3P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】Hellsing (OVA) - { Magnolia } + { Shinto Shite } - SUILEN(睡蓮 )(3P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-7-932979kases98521472017-7-12 11:11 PM
【配樂】Noir - Canta per me - 梶浦由記 with 貝田由里子(4P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】Noir - Canta per me - 梶浦由記 with 貝田由里子(4P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-7-563018fliexd2017-7-11 07:20 PM
【配樂】變人 - Then You Look At Me - Celine Dion(3P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】變人 - Then You Look At Me - Celine Dion(3P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-7-842529達觀散人2017-7-9 03:47 PM
 [主題音樂] 【懷舊卡通兒歌】-戰鬥陀螺OP1(Fighting Spirits)agreeterry762112016-5-2116181dick5112017-7-7 05:17 PM
【配樂】Black Lagoon - Red Fraction - MELL(4P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】Black Lagoon - Red Fraction - MELL(4P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-7-565499kases98521472017-7-7 12:59 PM
【配樂】交響情人夢(電視劇) - 藍色狂想曲 - George Gershwin(1P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】交響情人夢(電視劇) - 藍色狂想曲 - George Gershwin(1P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-7-602438forestdan2017-7-6 10:41 PM
【配樂】魯冰花 - 魯冰花 - 曾淑勤(2P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】魯冰花 - 魯冰花 - 曾淑勤(2P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-7-185341濛濛細雨2017-7-6 10:31 PM
【配樂】羅馬浴場 2 - 與作(2P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】羅馬浴場 2 - 與作(2P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-7-532491濛濛細雨2017-7-6 09:41 PM
 [主題音樂] 【配樂】求職家族 主題曲 晴れた日に、空を見上げて(在一個晴朗的日子裡,仰望天空)attach_imgagreeChija26952017-7-113957forestdan2017-7-5 06:30 PM
 [主題音樂] 電影主題曲-怪奇孤兒院-New World Comingagreectrl521302016-7-1148726lys74822017-7-5 05:40 PM
【配樂】WOW - Lament Of The Highborne - Vangie Gunn(2P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】WOW - Lament Of The Highborne - Vangie Gunn(2P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-7-412464gckhai2017-7-5 02:12 AM
【配樂】ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:序 - Beautiful World - 宇多田光(4P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:序 - Beautiful World - 宇多田光(4P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-7-273282KUROMAX2017-7-3 11:07 PM
 [主題音樂] 音樂劇Hamilton-Burnagreebringit2017-6-1723141bringit2017-7-2 02:48 PM
【配樂】神鬼傳奇 The Mummy(1999) - Egypt - Jerry Goldsmith(2P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】神鬼傳奇 The Mummy(1999) - Egypt - Jerry Goldsmith(2P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-6-3012673達觀散人2017-7-1 01:48 AM
【配樂】Fate stay night - Emiya - KATE(4P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】Fate stay night - Emiya - KATE(4P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-6-2642827lavender07072017-6-29 08:35 PM
【配樂】X檔案 The X-Files - Theme - Chris Carter(1P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】X檔案 The X-Files - Theme - Chris Carter(1P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-6-2652642lavender07072017-6-28 08:45 PM
【配樂】幽城幻劍錄 - 幽煌 - 陳冠名(3P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】幽城幻劍錄 - 幽煌 - 陳冠名(3P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-6-2842938西瓜小太郎2017-6-28 07:37 PM
【配樂】聖劍傳說 Legend of MANA - Hometown Domina - 下村陽子(2P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】聖劍傳說 Legend of MANA - Hometown Domina - 下村陽子(2P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-6-2573066forestdan2017-6-27 09:19 PM
【配樂】惡靈古堡 Resident Evil - 主旋律 - Marco Beltrami with Marilyn Manson(1P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】惡靈古堡 Resident Evil - 主旋律 - Marco Beltrami with Marilyn Manson(1P)agreeforestdan2017-6-2542902kases98521472017-6-27 07:09 PM
【配樂】Metal Gear Solid - The best is yet to come - Aoife Ni Fhearraigh(2P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】Metal Gear Solid - The best is yet to come - Aoife Ni Fhearraigh(2P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-6-1865402lavender07072017-6-25 09:49 PM
【配樂】GhostBusters(魔鬼剋星) -  Ghostbusters - Ray Parker, Jr.(2P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】GhostBusters(魔鬼剋星) - Ghostbusters - Ray Parker, Jr.(2P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-6-1542945eyny4fun2017-6-25 05:25 AM
【配樂】StarCraft - Terran Theme 2(2P)

[主題音樂] 【配樂】StarCraft - Terran Theme 2(2P)attach_imgagreeforestdan2017-6-2252736lavender07072017-6-24 01:31 AM

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